English Student Ambassadors
Emily Suh

An English and Linguistics major, Emily is principle oboist in the University of Mississippi Symphonic Band and a member of the Korean Students Association. In her spare time, Emily enjoys reading, watching anime, and admits she may watch too much Saturday Night Live for her own good.
Why did you choose to attend UM?
Mostly because the University of Mississippi was closest to home and gave me the best financial aid. However, I also fell in love with the campus and the fact that the English department is very good.
When and why did you choose your major(s)/minors?
I chose my major early on in high school. My AP English teacher inspired me to pursue English because I want to be like her when I’m older. I chose Linguistics because I have a love for languages and how they work. This stemmed from my participation in spelling bees when I was a child.
What are your career plans?
Honestly, I’m still not very sure. The two strongest candidates are teaching and publishing.
What will be your legacy at UM?
I hope to be able to come out of Ole Miss as an inspirational student and be able to represent UM in a positive way!
Is there a professor who has been particularly helpful to you?
I have had so many professors who were helpful to me, most of them my English professors/professors in the English department. My creative writing professor (Professor Beth Spencer), my Victorian Literature professor (Dr. Deanna Kreisel), my Survey in Literary History professor (Dr. Kate Lechler), and my Honors professor (Dr. Daniel Stout) were wonderful and gracious professors. Sometimes I would have a meltdown and contact them, and they were always ready to help.
What do you like to do outside of school (hobbies, interests)?
I like to read and write. I’m taking lessons at UM to further my skills with the oboe. You can also catch me watching Disney movies or Parks and Recreation/Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Modern Family. I also watch anime! When I’m bored, I like to make playlists on Spotify (my username is emilysuh0308).
What are you binge watching/reading/listening to?
My taste in music is very versatile. Honestly, if it’s trending on TikTok, it’s on my playlist. I am currently watching the new Loki series on Disney+. I am a huge Loki/Bucky/Sam/Wanda stan. As for the books I read, I read a lot of what’s trending on Booktok, and I try to find other books that my teachers/professors recommend.
What are some dream travel destinations (and why)?
I would love to go to a lot of places, but I really want to go to the European countryside. I know that’s very vague, but I am literally willing to travel to any European nation as long as I’m able to go to the countryside and enjoy the natural beauty there.
Kayden Breedlove

Kayden is a double major in English, emphasizing in editing, writing, and publishing; and Classics focusing in Classical Literature. She is president of UM DECA and vice president of UM’s English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta. She also writes and edits for the UM Alumni Association’s quarterly magazine.
Why did you choose to attend UM?
I chose to attend UM because of the campus. I don’t mean just because of the beautiful scenery, but also because of the English department and the people in it. Ole Miss is far away enough from my hometown that I can be independent, but I know if I ever needed any help with anything, I would be able to ask.
When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?
I started out as an art major, and while I enjoyed my time in the department (I’ve even considered adopting art as a minor), English is something I’ve always had a passion for. I realized I wanted to pursue English and Publishing through my English 226 class with Dr. Lechler. Being in a lecture hall with a professor who genuinely cared about the topic really helped change my mind about things. For Classics, my first class was with Dr. Pasco-Pranger in Greek and Roman Religion. We went to see an ancient comedy put on by Mississippi State’s Classics department, and the passion and feeling of community really drew me to the major (along with my longstanding passion for Greek and Roman mythology ;)).
What would you tell a high school student about your major? What is most important for them
to know if they’re interested in pursuing that field of study?
I would say that being open-minded is important for both fields. I think that it’s important to be open-minded period, but learning about ancient practices and being actually helpful when giving feedback in a creative writing class requires it a bit more so.
Why is your department a special place?
The department is such a special place for me because everyone in it has done the most that they can to help their students succeed. It’s such an amazing feeling knowing that your efforts will be matched by someone who has the power to help you.
Can you tell me about a professor or a class you’ve taken that has had the most impact on you?
Professor Tom Franklin’s Fiction Writing class that I took Spring semester of my Sophomore year was more than I could have imagined. It sounds dramatic, but the feedback and guidance that I got from that class have pushed me into writing more because I know I have the capabilities now. Plus, Prof. Franklin is just a wonderful teacher!
What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?
I had the opportunity to go through the MPower pre-college program and it’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had! The slam poetry night we had during the program was so cool!
What do you hope to do after you graduate? What are your career goals/ plans for postgraduation?
I hope to go into the field of publishing! There are many different facets in the field of publishing (editing, marketing, etc.) so I’m excited to see where my opportunities take me!
Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford? What are your hobbies, favorite places to go, etc.?
I work as an Editorial Assistant for the UM Alumni Association and also in the Student Union, so I’m on campus quite a bit! When I’m not on campus, I love to sit on the balcony of Square Books or inside Heartbreak Coffee on the Square. Reading and writing are two of my biggest hobbies.