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Department of English
University of Mississippi

Checklist for Bachelor of Arts Degree in English

Composition (6 hours)

  • Writ 100 _______ or Writ 101 ________ AND Writ 102____ or LIBA 102 ___

200-level Survey Courses (6 hours)

  • ENGL 221 World Lit to 1650 _____
  • ENGL 222 World Lit since 1650 _____
  • ENGL 223 American Lit to the Civil War _____
  • ENGL 224 American Lit since the Civil War _____
  • ENGL 225 British Lit from the Beginning through the 18th Century_____
  • ENGL 226 British Lit from the 18th Century through the present_____

300-level Seminars (6 hours)

  • ENGL 390 (Junior Seminar: Major Authors of British Lit)_____
  • ENGL 391 (Junior Seminar: Major Authors in American Lit)_____
  • ENGL 392 (Junior Seminar: Major Authors in World Lit)_____
  • ENGL 396 (Junior Seminar: Drama)_____
  • ENGL 397 (Junior Seminar: Poetry)_____
  • ENGL 398 (Junior Seminar: Literary Criticism)_____
Shakespeare (3 hours)
  • ENGL 385_____
Additional English Courses

In addition to the above requirements, students must take four classes at the 400 or 500 level and three classes at the 300 level or above. One of these electives must be in literature before 1800.
One of these electives must also be a capstone course.

English Electives: 12 hours at the 400 or 500 level:

  • _____
  • _____
  • _____

English Electives: 9 hours at the 300 level or above:

  • _____
  • _____
  • _____

3 hours of 200-level courses are prerequisites for all courses 300-level and above.
Up to 15 hours of writing courses (including WRIT 100 or 101 and either WRIT 102 or LIBA 102) may count toward the major.
In lieu of one or two courses during the senior year, a student may take the Senior Thesis (ENGL 499) for 3 or 6 hours of credit (must have a 3.5 or above).
124 hours total for a B.A., with a C average (2.0) in all coursework; 42 semester hours total, consisting of 30 hours at the 300-level and above, in addition to the 12 hours of 100- and 200-level courses required by the College of Liberal Arts.


Usually 18 hours in a Department other than English.


Receiving CLEP credit requires the approval of the Dean of Liberal Arts and the Center for Writing and Rhetoric Director. Students who earn a minimum score of 50 on the English composition exam (50 questions and essay) will receive credit for WRIT 100 or WRIT 101.