News Archive English

It is with great joy that we announce the 2020-2021 Grisham Writer-in-Residence: Maurice Ruffin!
Maurice Carlos Ruffin is the author of We Cast a Shadow, which was published by One World Random House. The novel is a New York Times Editor’s Choice. Ruffin is the winner of several literary prizes, including the Iowa Review Award in fiction and the William Faulkner–William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition Award for Novel-in-Progress. His work […]

UM English professor receives National Endowment for the Humanities funding
Grant to Help Expand Environmental Studies Program UM English professor receives National Endowment for the Humanities funding APRIL 29, 2020 BY SHEA STEWART FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmailCopy LinkSMSPrintFriendlyShare UM English professor Ann Fisher-Wirth will use a new National Endowment for the Humanities Grant to expand the university’s environmental studies minor program. Photo by Kevin Bain/Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services OXFORD, […]

Dr. Aimee Nezhukumatathil Awarded Prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship
Click here for the full story by Abigail Meisel.

2019 Creative Writing Award Winners Announced!
2019 Writing Award Winners! EVANS HARRINGTON CREATIVE WRITING SCHOLARSHIP Andrew J. Hill, fiction. $2,000 scholarship. Judge, Linda Masi Read Andrew’s submission “The Guard” HERE. ELLA SOMERVILLE CONTEST Dustin Wright, poetry. $200 prize. Judge, Michael Martella Read Dustin’s submission “The Flood” HERE. Blake Pratt, fiction. $200 prize. Judge, Sarah Huddleston Read Blake’s submission “Lap of the Gods” HERE. […]

English Ph.D. student, Allison Serraes, awarded ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
English Ph.D. student, Allison Serraes, awarded ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship for her dissertation, Carceral Matrix: Black Women’s Writing in Response to Mass Incarceration, 1963-2017. Click HERE for more information.

It is with great joy that we announce the 2019-2020 Grisham Writer-in-Residence: January O’Neil!
January Gill O’Neil is the author of Rewilding (fall 2018), Misery Islands (2014), and Underlife (2009), published by CavanKerry Press. She is an assistant professor of English at Salem State University, and boards of trustees member with the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) and Montserrat College of Art. From 2012-2018, she served as executive director of the Massachusetts […]

Understanding Randall Kenan on April 11th at 4 p.m. Peabody 206
The event will begin with Kenan reading from his work and will be followed by an interview by James A. Crank, author of Understanding Randall Kenan. Signing to follow. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Randall Kenan is best known for his novel A Visitation of Spirits (1989) and his collection of […]

The Forty-Seventh James Edwin Savage Lecture in the Renaissance: “Shakespeare and Un-Freedom” by Ayanna Thompson. April 4th at 6:30 p.m. Bondurant Auditorium
Ayanna Thompson is Director of the Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies (ACMRS) at Arizona State University. She is the author of Shakespeare in the Theatre: Peter Sellars (Arden Bloomsbury, 2018), Teaching Shakespeare with Purpose: A Student-Centered Approach (Arden Bloomsbury, 2016), Passing Strange: Shakespeare, Race, and Contemporary America (Oxford University Press, 2011), and Performing Race and Torture on the Early […]

Life After Graduation with Ole Miss English Alumni
UM English alumni from 15 different career and industry sectors share professional stories and career advice. Undergraduates can meet one-on-one and ask specific questions during the speed-network segment. Click HERE for more information.

English Ph.D. Student Sarah Heying Earns Competitive Summer Fellowship
Click HERE for the full story.